About Us
Welcome To Our Medical
Dr Deepak Gupta is Senior Interventional Cardiologistt .His contributions in the field of Cardiology, especially Interventional Cardiology have been recognised extensively in Jharkhand and Bihar .
During his career span of 25-years, he has pioneered many interventions in jharkhand and Bihar . He has done his MBBS and MD (Medicine) from RIMS Ranchi. He has completed his DM (Cardiology) course from Prestigious SGPGIMS, Lucknow in 1999. He received Fellowship of soicety of coronary angiography and intervention(FSCAI) from USA and Fellow of European Society of cardiology(FESC) from Europe . DR Deepak Gupta has experience 25 yr in field of cardiology . He has done more than ten thousand coronary angiography and more than 6000 coronary angioplasty, . He is an expert of complex angioplasty. He impanted more than 2000 Pacemaker , 750 BMV . HE is also doing device closure of ASD / PDA .
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Our Awesome Services
We Specialized on almost all kind of cardiac Issues.
We have modern ECG, measuring the electrical activity generated by the heart.
Eco Cardiography
Echocardiography is a test that uses sound waves to produce live images of your heart.
Holter Recording
We have A Holter monitor uses electrodes and a recording device to track your heart's rhythm for 24 to 72 hours.
Blood Test
We have best Pathological laboratory for Blood Test.
We have Pharmacy retail shop which provides prescription drugs, among other products.
Our achievements

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